November 30, 2011

25 Day Yogathon

So I haven't posted in a few weeks. I have a lot of ideas but finding time to sit down and write has been a challenge. It's no surprise that my theme for teaching yoga this week has often turned to the idea of maintaining balance in our lives. When the holidays come our self-nurturing tendencies are usually the first sacrifice. So I was terribly intrigued when Teeg at Living in the (K)Now offered up the idea of a 25 Day Yogathon!

While Teeg's motivations are a little different than mine this challenge really speaks to me. I want to tend well to myself this time of year. It allows me to be a better friend, employee, and teacher. Rather than indulge in self-care in a way that can be sloth and gluttony in sheep's clothing I will set solid intentions. Designed to nourish my mental, physical and spiritual self

  • 25 days of yoga everyday (mind).
  • 25 days of drinking at least 25 ounces more water than I normally do in a day (body). 
  • 25 days of 15 minutes of meditation everyday (soul). 
  • 25 days of mindful eating. Not saying "no" to holidays treats but recognizing a little goes a long way and I don't need super-sized portions of any indulgent foods (mind, body, and soul).
  • 25 days of making home made green juice and drinking it.

You're invited to join along with the 25 Day Yogathon! Whether you want to work towards detoxing like Teeg, balance and self-care like me, or something new, the yogathon is about living your choices. Choosing an element of commitment for tending to the mind, body, and soul make your list and join us tomorrow. We're using the hashtag #25yogathon on Twitter, so joinus and follow the conversation there!

1 comment:

Thais said...

LOVE IT!! yes! so excited for this. our holiday is going to be well intentioned and filled with grounding love <3