October 7, 2011

The Difference a Year Makes

As I settled into my Bhava Vinyasa teacher training last Saturday morning it felt like coming home. There were fellow students who were with me through my 200 hour journey as well as teachers I had mentored/assisted in their programs. It wasn't until my wonderful teacher, Shannon Paige, reminded us we were in the midst of Navaratri (a Hindu Festival) that I realized it was exactly one year that weekend from when I began my 2oo hour program.

So much has changed in the last year and as we move into Autumn I feel it's important to revist the changes. Here are a few of mine:
  • My sweet dog, Murphy, passed away
  • Finished yoga teacher training
  • Completed my second Urban Adventure Race
  • Taught over 55 yoga classes
  • Opened a consulting business
  • Opened and closed a yoga space
  • Biked a few hundred miles
  • Went to the Wanderlust Festival in Tahoe
  • Made a lot of great new friends
  • Let a few friendships dissolve
  • Had many fun outdoor adventures
  • Moved back to my hometown
  • Learned how to keep going with a broken heart and experience grief
  • Had LASIK surgery
  • Adopted a cat
  • Have grown more comfortable going to sleep at night knowing I gave the day my best.

I am sure there is a ton more but these are things sticking out in my mind at this moment. I find it's best for me to revisit the changes and success for the year before the holiday time hits. Everything gets so chaotic during the holidays if you let it. The stress then allows us to invite in feelings of doubt, feelings that we're less than, not enough.

I am enough.

You are enough.

We all have evolved, not into someone different but rather a new expression of ourselves. What has the last year held for you? How have you evolved and what have you let drift away?


Elizabeth said...

Lovely post. Congrats on a great year and even more so for being able to recognize the journey you are on, including where you've been and what you've done.

Cheers to you, and to the road ahead.

Stacy said...

Yes, a lovely post Tali. I too ask the question...am I enough? It is the weakest spot for me. I like the idea of autumn and changes and reflecting on the past year. I guess autumn is when we put everything to sleep for the winter so that we can wake in spring fresh and renewed. xo